Many who have medical training or who have take a CPR class probably remember that there are many cases where a dying person can be resuscitated, although if they were without oxygen to their brain for a prolonged period of time even if they survive they will likely have a diminished quality of life. This damage to the brain is considered irreversible damage, and it’s devastating consequences can often overshadow the seeming victory of survival.
That is what is being done every single day – irreversible damage. Even if we are able to survive as a nation and as a democracy eventually, much of the damage done already within just the first two short weeks will be permanent. Some things just can’t be undone. For example, the leaking (stealing) of sensitive information from various government servers… once this information about you, me, our employers, our neighbors, and everyone else has been stolen and copied by elon musk, it will never be private again. Contracts, bank accounts, social security numbers, payment information, personal information, medical diagnosis, international agreements etc. You name it, it has been compromised. Beyond this is the classified information which can be damaging to our national security that has been disclosed, poorly guarded, and shared with fellow cronies without a need to know, nor the proper safe guards to keep it secret. Much like toothpaste coming out of the tube… it’s very easy to squeeze out, but once it’s out it is nearly impossible to get back in the tube.
On this topic, remember the consequences before with the mar a largo documents. The FBI didn’t just randomly guess that there were unsecured documents stored in a bathroom. “Sources”, aka spies, likely US CIA intelligence agents, were killed in action one by one. When investigated as to how their identities could have been known investigators were able to track it back to the source… spilled secret information in these documents. There is a reason the government has a sensitive information classification system.
There are many examples of the irreversible damage we are incurring right now. USAID, an extremely misunderstood and effective organization, will never be the same again. First, many people do not understand that USAID is a critical component to our National Security Strategy. In a nutshell, the purpose is to establish foreign relationships that will benefit us down the road. In addition to building good will, stabilizing nations via economical development, such as creating industries, prevents nations from becoming unstable powder kegs that inevitably become a problem for the United States. The work of USAID is done through relationships, which are built through trust, and the recent gutting of the agency has destroyed both. Furthermore, the agency requires a workforce with extremely unique skillsets and knowledge which are extremely difficult to replace. The employees and their institutional knowledge that is being lost with them will never be replaced. This is irrevocable damage.
Last I’ll leave you with a more tangible example of irreversible damage. Federal lands are being chalked up for sale around the nation from various agencies including those operated by the National Park Service. Once these lands enter private hands and development begins there is no going back. These lands, categorically defined as priceless, will be forever altered and their beauty and natural resources destroyed. In cases with minimal development, they will be privatized so the US public’s ability to explore and enjoy these lands will forever be terminated.
Again, I remind you that with everything you must follow the dollars. This entire thing is about money and power, and every action must considered with that frame of reference. The stolen data will be used by insiders to make money and undercut competitors. The USAID cuts are likely being one with kick backs from competitors (yes, I am referring to other nations), and the bargain prices for government lands will only go to friends and family of the trump/musk administration along with the fellow ultra rich. None of this is truly about you and I, or a genuine desire to improve things. All roads lead to kleptocracy.